Saturday, May 29, 2010

Green is lucky - At least for me.

Well everyone, meet Autumn Greenleaf.

If she's an angel, I guess she'd be Farrah Fawcett.

 Yes, I spent a lot of crowns on her outfit :D It's worth it cause she looks stylish and all the new wizards ooh and ahh at the Valor sword she has. She's one quest away from being level 15 and she's just barely* starting Krokotopia today. I decided to take the advice that a lot of people put on Wizard 101 Central and won't be giving her a secondary school. Instead she'll be studying ice all the way to tower shield, death until feint, and storm for whatever other points she may have. I think this is a pretty good plan since there aren't nearly as many life bosses as there are any other kind, and when I encounter life I can just use prism and a death wand/blade to get rid of shields. Plus it stinks to have to wait for 7 whole rounds just to get enough pips to use the good spells in a secondary school. Better to just have more stuff to power up your primary school spells. Once I get centaur I will be unstoppable. Now my main mission is to save up all my gold for a life house! :P

Mr. Pepper: "Good luck with that, you shopaholic!"
Safe journeys, everyone!

*Barely being used very loosely in this case. I actually just started this character the day before yesterday. Can anyone say "addict"?

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